**記載例:** **BASIC EXPORT SALES CONTRACT** **This Basic Export Sales Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into as of January 1, 2024 (the "Effective Date") by and between: 〇〇株式会社 (〇〇 Kabushiki Kaisha) (hereinafter referred to as "Seller"), a company organized and existing under the laws of Japan, having its registered address at 〇〇県〇〇市○○区○○ and △△株式会社 (△△ Kabushiki Kaisha) (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer"), a company organized and existing under the laws of △△, having its registered address at △△国△△県△△市○○ WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell and Buyer desires to purchase certain goods on the terms and conditions set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: ** **輸出基本売買契約書 本輸出基本売買契約書(以下「本契約」という)は、2024年1月1日(「発効日」という)付けで、以下の当事者間で締結される。 〇〇株式会社(以下「売主」という)、日本法に基づき設立され、〇〇県〇〇市○○区○○に本店を有する会社 と △△株式会社(以下「買主」という)、△△法に基づき設立され、△△国△△県△△市○○に本店を有する会社 売主は、本契約に定める条件に基づき、特定の商品を売却することを希望し、買主は、本契約に定める条件に基づき、当該商品を購入することを希望する。 よって、両当事者は、本契約に定める相互の約諾および合意を約因として、以下のとおり合意する。**
**Article 1 (Definitions)**
**For the purposes of this Contract, the following terms shall have the following meanings respectively:**
* **"Goods" means the non-glutinous rice to be bought and sold under this Contract.**
* **"Incoterms" means the rules relating to trade terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).**
**「インコタームズ」とは、International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) が定める貿易条件に関する規則をいう。**
* **"Governing Law" means the laws of Japan designated as the governing law for the interpretation and application of this Contract.**